A SERVICE of remembrance is being held for families who have lost a child.

Parents and families are warmly invited to attend this year’s annual Children’s Memorial Service at St. Mary’s Hospital.

The service will take place on Sunday, July 8, at 3pm next to the hospital duck pond. In the event of bad weather the service will be held in the conference room on Level B, near the Full Circle restaurant.

Two of the Island’s NHS Trust chaplains, Rev Kelvin Burke and Rev Janet Hallam, will lead prayers, reading and reflection.

A giant bubble machine will be used to symbolise memories, thoughts and prayers directed heavenwards.

Rev Hallam said: "The service is for any parents or families whose children have died, from infancy through to the age of young adults, either through illness or tragic accidents.

"Everyone is welcome to attend, whatever their faith. Whether it is the first year since bereavement or if you come year after year to remember your loved ones, we warmly welcome all.

"It is a real privilege to support this annual service.