ISLE of Wight anglers have revealed some of their recent catches.

Alan Deeming, of East Cowes, was fishing for plaice in a competition when he reeled in this rare blue shark.

The creature was tagged and returned to the water.

Alan, who is secretary of Bembridge Angling Club, said: "We believe it was only the second one ever to have been caught in Island waters, with the first one many years ago."

Anglers Mike 'Mongo' Mowbray, of Godshill, and Steve Spragg, of Shanklin, caught two fearsome-looking thresher sharks when fishing in Steve's boat off the south of the Island.

David 'Beaky' Cheal, of Binstead, who runs the Wight Water Angling group on Facebook, said the blue shark was rare for our waters although they were more common around Wales and Cornwall.

He added that despite fears of Jaws returning the fish wouldn't bite swimmers.

"None of these sharks would go near humans — they are out in 150ft of water chasing food," he said.

"The Island is one of the best areas for threshers and this species is the holy grail for shark anglers in the UK.

" We also get porbeagles — one bit my pollack in half recently — and, very rarely, blue sharks.

"Any other fish are really shark relatives and not true sharks, such as the tope I pulled in."

All the sharks pictured were returned to the water.