HAMPSHIRE and Isle of Wight police chief, Olivia Pinkney has warned that the police may be unable to provide the same services if there is no change in their funding. 
According to figures from the Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Hampshire Constabulary receives £44.8 million less than the average police force each year and has made £80 million in reductions since 2010. 
In a statement, chief Pinkney said appropriate funding was required in order to deliver safer communities. 
"We have said all along that to continue to be effective we need fair funding," she said. 
"Whatever people think, it is clear that the context for policing has changed and police resourcing is rightly now a national debate. 
"As chief constable I will be part of that debate making clear that to continue to deliver safer communities we need the right funding. Whether that is through a fair national funding formula or through extra funding for policing overall is for others on the national stage to determine. 
"However, we must ensure that we can properly resource local policing.
"As I said back in January, we are planning for the next round of funding announcements and we need early clarity. 
"If funding remains the same, and despite all of the additional efficiencies we will deliver, there will be a gap starting from the next financial year. 
"For the public that means we would not be able to provide the same services that we do today."