July 20 2000: Barnet Council's planning application for a massive block of flats on the former Gaumont site at Tally Ho, North Finchley, will, according to expert advice, lead to serious wind tunnel effects both around the area and through the underground bus terminal.

The Flowscience report, commissioned by promoters of the scheme, is given scant regard in the officers' report on the Tally Ho arts centre proposal. It is to be hoped councillors will read this report before deciding at the council meeting on July 27 on the Tally Ho project.

The council is also seeking to exempt itself from policies in the Unitary Development Plan ,, by which all planning applications are supposed to be judged ,, in particular those relating to the setting and impact of high buildings are to be specifically ignored.

What little landscaping there might be in the pedestrianised strip near the buildings will need to consist of plants able to resist wind and grow in the shade.

If the council proceeds to ignore its own policies this will make it even more difficult to refuse unsuitable planning applications in the future.

It will be open season for high-rise tower blocks like those which are elsewhere being demolished.

Pat Dunnill

Cornwall Avenue, Finchley