One of the most successful smoking concerts taking place in Twickenham for some time past, was held that at the Grotio Hotel, on Wednesday Evening, under the auspices of Twickenham Town Cricket Club. Mr W Poupart, JP, was in the chair, consequently it can be imagined that the artistes performed their different tasks under the most favourable conditions as to quietness on the part of the audience.

We understand that the residence of the late Lady Freake has been let to a very wealthy young American gentleman. Already several of the local tradesmen have been given good orders, and we understand that the gentleman- whose name we believe is Gordon- has stated it to be his intention to do all that he can for Twickenham.

On Thursday a winter treat was given to about 300 children under fourteen years of age attending Twickenham Baptist Sunday School. An enjoyable evening was spent, and upon leaving, toys, buns, oranges and sweets were distributed to all.