Residents looking for a care or nursing home for themselves, or someone they know, can make an informed decision using the directory of Croydon Care Homes 2002.

Compiled by Croydon Council's social services department and Croydon Health Authority, the directory lists includes private and voluntary homes for elderly people, nursing homes, homes for those with learning disabilities, the physically disabled and the mentally ill and people recovering from alcohol or drug dependence.

Information about each social services-inspected, registered home includes the number of places, facilities, and whether respite or day care is offered.

The directory also explains how to get help from social services, how to apply, who will pay the fees and how user contributions are calculated.

Cabinet member for social services, Councillor Paula Shaw, said though the directory is comprehensive, she would advise anyone seeking a place to arrange a visit and speak to the home manager before making a final decision.

Copies are available from Taberner House, local libraries and other council offices or by ringing 020 8686 8328.