A PROJECT to re-introduce the White-tailed Eagle to the Isle of Wight could be on the cards.

The magnificent birds of prey were once widespread along the whole of the South Coast of England, from Cornwall to Kent, before being driven to extinction by relentless persecution that began in the Middle Ages.

The last pair bred on Culver Cliff on the Isle of Wight in 1780 but many parts of southern England remain highly suitable for the species, and following the reintroduction of White-tailed Eagles to Scotland – where there are now over 130 breeding pairs – it is believed that an English reintroduction would be equally successful and the best way to re-establish the birds in their former haunts.

The Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation together with the Forestry Commission have identified the Isle of Wight as a potential location for a reintroduction, and are currently working on a feasibility report.

It is the last known breeding site of the species in southern England, the Solent and surrounding estuaries and would provide a rich food supply.

There are numerous potential nesting sites in woods and cliffs, and also good loafing areas for young birds. It is also a highly strategic location that would enable the birds to spread east and west along the South Coast.

In addition to the conservation benefits, the foundation believes that the project would give a significant boost to the Isle of Wight economy, including in winter.

The foundation is keen to consult with the local community, landowners and other stakeholders to encourage support and involvement with the project, and to identify and resolve any concerns.

Three drop-in sessions will be held at three locations across the Isle of Wight to enable members of the public to learn more about the proposed project. These will be held as follows:

Monday November 12 from 6-8pm, YMCA Winchester House, Shanklin;

Tuesday November 13 from 11am – 1pm at 5th Ryde Scout Group Hall, Ryde;

Tuesday November 13, 6-8pm, Cowes Yacht Haven, Cowes.

People can arrive at any time during the drop-in sessions, and the project team will be present to answer questions and to discuss the proposals. You can also provide feedback on the proposals via our online questionnaire.