A MAN who initially trained as a musician is now making sweet music with his new career — producing sea salt on the Isle of Wight.

Simon Davis founded his Wight Salt business three months ago and runs it from a site in Yafford.

As well as producing sea salt naturally, he brings out other sea salt products such as a Wight Salt Scrub and hopes to revive the art of growing vegetables in seawater — something that Dutch farmers do.

Simon said: “ I started thinking about producing sea salt when moving back to the Island from Somerset a couple of years ago. I had seen a programme about sea salt looking at production abroad and in the UK and the thought came to me, why on earth doesn’t anyone on the Island do this.

“Having trained as a musician and taught for many years in Somerset, I felt it was time to look at a new career. My father was in farming, so maybe this was in my blood after all — sea salt harvesting is farming the sea. I was brought up helping my father to milk cows and doing odd jobs on farms with the Kentish countryside in my blood.”

Simon’s experiments started with a slow cooker filled with seawater without a lid. This progressed to a small number of slow cookers.

He added: “I’m enjoying the moment and look forward to sharing all of this as it develops.  Here’s to sustainability by using the abundance of the sea and unlocking its hidden treasures in many diverse ways for years to come.”