A NEWPORT couple have been ordered to pay compensation to a suspect in a case involving indecent images of children.

Daniel James Hawkes, 39, and his partner Nina Louise Hoskins, 33, now of Newport but previously of Ventnor, pleaded guilty to charges of assault by beating at the Isle of Wight Magistrates' Court today (Monday).

The court heard while living elsewhere on the Island, Hawkes was informed a neighbour had been arrested for offences involving indecent images of children.

After drinking brandy on Boxing Day last year, Hawkes entered his neighbour's flat and began aggressively questioning him about the arrest.

He then grabbed him by the neck, repeatedly slapped and punched him and threw his belongings around the room, the court heard.

Hearing the commotion, Hoskins headed upstairs and joined what she described in mitigation as a fight.

Prosecuting, Ann Smout said: "[The victim] was in his room when he heard a very loud knock on his door.

"Mr Hawkes kicked the door open.

"Mr Hawkes repeatedly asked if he had been arrested for child pornography.

"When he finally admitted he had, he grabbed him by the neck, slapped and punched him and called him a 'kiddy fiddler'."

Mrs Smout added the assault continued until police arrived.

The officer's statement claimed Hawkes said, 'you better lock me up forever because I'm going to rape him, I'm going to rape him, like he rapes little kids', he also screamed, 'nonce' and 'pedo' at the victim.

For the defendants, Oscar Vincent said Hawkes lost control and confronted his neighbour about the arrest.

Mr Vincent added: "Miss Hoskins heard about what was going on and admits hitting the aggrieved with a shoe. Since then there have been no further incidents."

Magistrate Keith Jones ordered both offenders to pay £150 each in compensation to the victim and attend 40 rehabilitation days with the Probation Service as part of a community order.