A vegan diet - along with food for those who have allergies and intolerances - is easier to manage than ever on the Isle of Wight and there is a lot more choice than might usually be expected of life on a small Island.

There are more plant-based eateries than before, including The Bay in Sandown, and Craft, a vegan restaurant on Ryde Esplanade - which recently opened a coffee shop, called Grind No.9, to pair with its evening food service.

Traditional restaurants are also including more vegan options than they used to.

From Newport's vegan and zero-waste restaurant, Peach, Ron told me: "Two years ago, you wouldn't see much beyond a salad or a plant-based burger, but restaurants are getting better, for sure. It's nice to see."

Veganism is far more common than it used to be - but allergy sufferers can also benefit from cutting out dairy and other animal products.

Meanwhile, it's the cost-of-living crisis that is taking chunks out the industry.

In Ryde's Union Street, plant-based SUSA, closed its doors in 2021 - but a Google-search insists it is temporary.

Veggie and vegan veteran, Tansy's Pantry, also plans to close in September - but its owners say they will be back.

"We have learned a lot in our three years," Jessica Eagle and Rob Potter said.

"All of this has set us up for our next vegan venture, in years to come."

A customer told the County Press: "The truth is we're seeing more vegan alternatives and that's not because it's a phase.

"Rather, it's because more information is being spread about the environmental impact of animal agriculture.

"More people are realising taking some action is necessary."

Peach's Ron says the financial climate is having a critical impact - but he thinks there is plenty of room for development.

"We don’t have as many vegan eateries as, say, Brighton," he said.

"I would like to see the plant-based industry, especially restaurants and cafes, get stronger on the Island.

"It would give people a reason to come here.

"I know it’s always hard when you go on holiday. You ask, 'where can we eat?’

"It would be nice if tourists could say, 'there's something for me'."