Cyndi Pushman, of Newport:

For the past five years I have walked past Hurst in Newport at least three times a day, walking our little dog.

I have always admired their windows. I thought the way the windows are dressed, the window dresser must have a plan to go by.

That was until I saw a member of staff dressing one of the windows and deep in thought.

I just had to ask her, did she follow a plan? “Oh no” she replied.

Isle of Wight County Press: Window dressing at Hurst.

It seems that what is produced in the windows are input from other work colleagues and suggestions of items to go into the window, the rest is from her own imagination.

I had to tell her how clever she was and thanked her for such lovely displays.

In some of the windows you look at the display, go away and return a couple of hours later and see something you missed the first time. What a pleasure.

Thank you Hurst staff in making my walk with little one a pleasurable event.