A SAILOR in difficulty in rough seas and gale force winds off the Isle of Wight — close to the No Man's Land Fort on The Solent — was rescued by an RNLI lifeboat.


Bembridge Lifeboat, the RNLB Alfred Albert Williams, was launched at 3.14am yesterday (Christmas Eve), after HM Coastguard received a distress call from the crewman of a 35ft yacht.

Isle of Wight County Press:

Isle of Wight County Press: Bembridge lifeboat towed the yacht into the calmer waters of Gosport. Bembridge lifeboat towed the yacht into the calmer waters of Gosport. (Image: Bembridge RNLI)

The stricken yacht was reportedly in difficulty, with no engine, close to the North Sturbridge buoy, to the north west of No Mans Land Fort.

Conditions were choppy — Force 7, gusting to a gale Force 8.

A 22m guard vessel, Haulbowline, operating in the area, stood by until the lifeboat arrived on the scene at 3.30am.

The yacht was towed to Gosport Marina at around 4.20am, with the lifeboat back in Bembridge at 5am.

Conditions were quite rough in the Force 7, gusting Gale Force 8 Westerly wind.