Adrenalin and cortisone enter the bloodstream to spark responses in our body including an increased heart rate and sweating.

When this is excessive, it can causes both physical and psychological problems.

About half-a-million people in Britain suffer from work-related stress, anxiety or depression at levels which cause illness

Stress is the second most common type of occupational ill-health after musculo-skeletal disorders

In a survey carried out last year by the International Stress Management Association, 45 per cent thought commuting was one of the most stressful situations

In the same survey, 34 per cent said work itself was the second most stressful

According to a 1999 MORI report, 60 per cent of the working population was affected by work-related stress

n research carried out by Professor Stephen Palmer of City University, work is the most common force behind stress, with family next.

November 2, 2001 12:32

Lucy Brinicombe