The charity behind a consultation process designed to solve the long-running Copthall Stadium saga was busy setting up a steering group of residents this week.

The Neighbourhood Initiative Foundation (NIF) has been holding meetings throughout the week to explain the Planning For Real initiative which began last month. The project aims to come up with a suitable plan for the future of the site by September by speaking to residents before proposals go to the council rather than afterwards.

Mike Daligan, field worker for NIF, said: "The advisory group that we are putting together will be responsible with me for overseeing the exercise and afterwards it will be working with the council to push the proposals through."

The next meeting will be tonight at 6.30pm at the Barnet Multicultural Centre in Algernon Road, Hendon. There will also be a meeting at the Canada Villa youth centre in Pursley Road from 6.30pm to 8pm on Wednesday.