LABOUR’S, Geoff Lumley, has slammed Isle of Wight MP Andrew Turner over his alleged failure to secure extra cash for the Island.
Labour group leader Cllr Lumley said he wanted to know why Mr Turner has not managed to secure extra government funding for the authority — unlike other southern Conservative MPs.
But he was accused of getting his facts wrong by Mr Turner, who said he was working with the Isle of Wight Council to produce a 'robust case’ for additional government funding.
Cllr Lumley’s remarks followed claims Conservative MPs in Surrey secured a 'sweetheart’ deal to pay for adult social care.
The issue was raised at Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday (Wednesday), by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
The council’s Labour group said: "Last year, Tory MPs across the South East, except for our MP, secured extra council grant funding from government after threatening rebellion against another round of cuts.
"Mr Turner secured a 'ministerial visit’ which was entirely pointless and delivered nothing for the Island and its then 'Fight for the Wight’ campaign.
"At a time when Islanders are facing a potential five per cent increase in Council Tax from their Tory/UKIP council to partially fill a £5m gap in adult social care funding, — the other £3 million coming from adult social care service cuts."
Cllr Lumley said: "You can only admire MPs who deliver for their constituents when their party is in power. Sadly, after the same seven years of Tory government, our MP can’t seem to master that trick.
"He continues to let the Island down along with the new Tory/UKIP council, who would rather bleed low paid Islanders dry and savage social services."
But Mr Turner hit back.
"I’m very pleased to hear of Cllr Lumley’s admiration for my colleagues, but like the Labour leader Mr Corbyn, he has got his facts wrong.
"There is no 'sweetheart deal’ between Surrey Council and the Government.
"Cllr. Lumley seems to think that those who shout loudest get extra money, that is not the way Government works.
"It needs sound arguments supported by factual information. I have secured agreement from the previous Prime Minister, and from the current Chancellor of the Exchequer that they recognise the Island has unique funding challenges.
"I am now supporting the work of the Isle of Wight Council to ensure that a robust case is made to get additional funds for the Island. There will be a further announcement soon on the work that we are doing together on progressing that case."
