A DECISION that could see the land next to the controversial Dark Lane household waste site in Harpenden sold off to a private company has been called in for review by a St Albans district councillor.

It means that the possibility of resolving the long-running disagreement between Hertfordshire County Council and St Albans District Council over extending the tip is looking increasingly unlikely.

At a meeting held on December 4, the council cabinet announced that unless the county council came up with an offer for the amount the district council is asking for the property, once occupied by Kingston House Mowers, it will be put up for sale on the open market.

Councillor Patrick Johnston, chairman of the overview and scrutiny committee, who requested that the decision be reviewed, said: "The cabinet made a decision which I was not happy with.

"I fear that if the land is sold off now, the problems we have with the site will never ever be resolved."

The area surrounding the Harpenden site has been dogged by traffic problems.

These were brought to the fore two weeks ago when a young boy was knocked over, suffering a broken ankle after trying to cross the road at the pelican crossing on the junction with Grove Road and Coleswood Road.

Reports have shown that there is no other alternative than to use the Dark Lane site, although it has long needed to be extended.

County councillor for Harpenden Iris Tarry, expressed disappointment that negotiations between the two authorities had reached an impasse.

She said: "The district council has put in an unrealistic valuation on the site, and we have put in as much money as possible.

"I am desperately disappointed that we can't reach an agreement on this."

Labour leader Councillor Malcolm MacMillan, however, said the money that the county council is willing to put up falls far short of the amount the site is valued at.

He said: "We would actually like to see the problem resolved but we have had the land valued and we can't possibly sell it for less and the county council knows this."

A meeting of the overview and scrutiny committee to review the cabinet's decision will be held on January 8.