FOLLOWING the abandoning of the NORA British Upright Championship last month after a speedway rider was seriously injured, the event is back on and raring to go.

The Wightlink Warriors management are pleased to confirmthe event will be restaged — in a slightly changed format — this evening (Thursday).

Chris Mackett was seriously injured in a collision with another rider during the August 11 meeting at Ryde's Smallbrook Stadium.

Both riders' bikes touched, which caused them and their machines to be thrown yards along the circuit and demolish a stretch of trackside fencing, to the horror of spectators.

Mackett suffered broken ribs, his breastbone and backbone and was transferred to Southampton General Hospital by air amblance, where he required surgery.

The majority of the riders in the original meeting will return, with one or two new faces joining the tournament — notably former Wightlink Islander Nick Simmons, whose demonstration rides earlier in the season have rekindled his competitive streak.

With former Islanders Dean Felton and Mark Simmonds impressive in the first staging — and back for the re-run — there should be no lack of support from the Smallbrook terraces.

The revised formula will see 12 riders in action, culminating in C, B and A finals, based on their qualifying scores.

The line-up is expected to be (in alphabetical order): Wayne Broadhurst, Alex Chadd, Nigel Coates, Keith Cornell, Giles Dismore, Dean Felton, Graham Knowler, Wayne Parker, Ben and Darren Phillips, Mark and Nick Simmons.

The Grasstrack Championship meeting scheduled for tomorrow is pushed back a week to link in with the sidecar speedway event scheduled for Thursday, September 8.

The event starts at 7pm.